
Dorrance Hall, E., Gettings, P. (online first). “Who is this little girl they hired to work here?”: Women’s experiences of marginalizing communication in male-dominated workplaces. Communication Monographs.

Reynolds, R., Meng, J., & Dorrance Hall, E. (online first). Multi-layered social dynamics and depression among older adults: A 10-year cross-lagged analysis. Psychology and Aging. https://doi/10.1037/pag0000569

Dorrance Hall, E., *Ma, M., *Azimova, D., *Campbell, N. L., Ellithorpe, M., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M, Zeldes, G., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M. (online first). The mediating role of family and cultural food beliefs on the relationship between family communication patterns and diet and health issues across racial/ethnic groups. Health Communication.

Dorrance Hall, E. & *Shebib, S. (online first). Interdependent siblings: Associations between closest and least close sibling social support and sibling relationship satisfaction. Communication Studies.

Scharp, K., *Cooper, A. R., *Worwood, J., & Dorrance Hall, E. (online first). “There’s always going to be uncertainty”: Exploring undergraduate student parents’ sources of uncertainty and related management practices. Communication Research.

McNallie, J., Timmermans, E., Dorrance Hall, E., Van den Bulck, J., & Wilson, S.R. (2020). Social media intensity and first-year college students’ academic self-efficacy:  A cross-cultural comparison. Communication Quarterly, 68(2), 115-137. doi:

Dorrance Hall, E., Meng, J., & Reynolds, R. (2020). Confidant network and interpersonal communication associations with depression in older adulthood. Health Communication, 35(7), 872-881. 

Dorrance Hall, E., Scharp, K. M., Sanders, M., & Beaty, L. (2020). Family communication patterns and the mediating effects of support and resilience on students’ concerns about college. Family Relations, 69(2), 276-291. 

Wilson, S. R., Billott-Verhoff, C., Yue, C., Dorrance Hall, E., McNallie, J. (2020). Chinese international students’ English language ability, advice from domestic and international friends, and psychosocial adjustment to college. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39, 260-270. 

Scharp, K. M. & Dorrance Hall, E. (2019). Reconsidering family closeness: A review and call for research on family distancing. Journal of Family Communication, 19, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2018.1544563

Gettings, P., Dorrance Hall, E., Wilson, S. R., Kamal, D., Inderstrodt, J., & Hughes-Kirchubel, L. (2019). Effects of reintegration difficulties, perceived message acceptance and perceived autonomy support on U.S. Military Veterans’ evaluations of messages encouraging them to seek behavioral health care. Communication Monographs, 86, 205-228. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2018.1536828

Wilson, S. R., Kamal, D., Winter, S. N., Dorrance Hall, E., Gettings, P., Hughes-Kirchubel, L. & Inderstrodt, J. (2019). Comparing advice from military parents, partners, and Veterans about how families can encourage service members to seek behavioral healthcare. Journal of Family Communication, 19, 15-29. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2018.1530238

Scharp, K. M. & Dorrance Hall, E. (2019). Examining the relationship between undergraduate student parent social support seeking factors, stress, and somatic symptoms: A two-model comparison of direct and indirect effects. Health Communication, 34, 54-64. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1384427

Wilson, S. R., Dorrance Hall, E., Gettings, P. E., & Pastor, R. (2019). The impact of deployment, relational, and personal factors on how families talk with US service members about mental health concerns: A multiple goals mediational model. Communication Research46, 525-554. doi: 10.1177/0093650215617507

Dorrance Hall, E. (2018). The communicative process of resilience for marginalized family members. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 35, 307-328. doi: 10.1177/0265407516683838
*This article was featured on Sage Publication's podcast Relationship Matters

Dorrance Hall, E. & Scharp, K. (2018). Testing a mediational model of the effect of family communication patterns on student perceptions of the impact of the college transition through social communication apprehension. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46, 429-446. doi: 10.1080/00909882.2018.1502461

Scharp, K. M., Dorrance Hall, E., Sanders, M., Colver, M. (2018). The relationship between students’ family communication, transition efficacy, and communication skill. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 25, 60-72.

Dorrance Hall, E., Kenny Fiester, M., Tikkanen, S. (2018). A mixed-method analysis of the role of online communication attitudes in the relationship between self-monitoring and emerging adult text intensity. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 269-278. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.08.002

Dorrance Hall, E. Greene, J. O., Anderson, L. B., Hingson, L., Gill, E., Berkelaar, B. L., Morgan, M. (2017). The family environment of “quick-witted” persons: Birth order, family communication patterns, and creative facility. Communication Studies. 68, 493-510. doi: 10.1080/10510974.2017.1362567

Dorrance Hall, E. (2017). The process of family member marginalization: Turning points experienced by "black sheep." Personal Relationships, 24, 491-512. doi: 10.1111/pere.12196

Grimm, M., Dorrance Hall, E., Dorsch, T., & Dunn, C. R. (2017). Parent-child communication in sport: Lost art or unknown science. Journal of Amateur Sport, 3, 1-19. doi: 10.17161/jas.v3i3.6513

Branch, S. E. & Dorrance Hall, E. (2018). Advice in friendships and romantic relationships (pp. 91-110). In E. MacGeorge & L. Van Swol (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Advice. Oxford University Press.

Custers, K., Dorrance Hall, E., Smith, S., & McNallie, J. (2017). The indirect association between television exposure and self-protective behavior as a result of worry about crime: The moderating role of gender. Mass Communication & Society, 20, 637-662. doi: 10.1080/15205436.2017.1317353

Scharp, K. & Dorrance Hall, E. (2017). Family marginalization, alienation, and estrangement: Questioning the nonvoluntary status of family relationships. Annals of the International Communication Association, 41, 28-45. doi: 10.1080/23808985.2017.1285680 

Dorrance Hall, E., McNallie, J., Custers, K., Timmermans, E., Wilson, S., & Van den Bulck, J. (2017). A cross-cultural examination of the mediated role of social support and talking with parents on the relationship between family communication patterns and first-year college student academic and social adjustment in the United States and Belgium. Communication Research. doi: 10.1177/0093650216657755

Dorrance Hall, E. & McNallie, J. (2016). The mediating role of sibling maintenance behavior expectations and perceptions in the relationship between family communication patterns and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Family Communication, 16, 386-402. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2016.1215316

Dorrance Hall, E., Ruth-McSwain, A., & Ferrara, M.H. (2016). Models of health: Exploring memorable messages received from parents about diet and exercise. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 9, 247-255. doi: 10.1080/17538068.2016.1187892

McNallie, J. & Dorrance Hall, E. (2015). The role of perceptions of sibling maintenance behavior in ratings of relationship satisfaction. Communication Research Reports, 32, 149-158. doi: 10.1080/08824096.2015.1016147

Dorrance Hall, E. & Kenny Feister, M. (2015). Navigating emerging adulthood with communication technology. In C. Bruess (Ed.), Family communication in the age of digital and social media. New York, NY: Peter Lang International.

Wilson, S. R., Gettings, P. E., Dorrance Hall, E., & Pastor, R. (2015). Dilemmas families face in talking with returning U.S. Military service members about seeking professional help for mental health issues. Health Communication, 30, 772-783. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.899659

MacGeorge, E. L., & Dorrance Hall, E. (2014). Relationship advice. In C. R. Agnew (Ed.), Social influences on romantic relationships: Beyond the dyad (pp. 188-208). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Greene, J. O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L. B., Gill, E., Dorrance Hall, E., Berkelaar, B. L., Herbers, L. E., & Hingson, L. (2014). Formative communication experiences and message production ability in adulthood: Family communication patterns and creative facility. Communication Research Reports, 31, 41-52. doi: 10.1080/08824096.2013.843166

Greene, J. O., & Dorrance Hall, E. (2013). Cognitive theories of communication. In Peter J. Schulz and Paul Cobley (Eds.).Handbooks of communication science. Volume 1: Theories and models of communication (pp. 181-198). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

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